Wichita Professional Home Heat Tune Up Service

Make sure you have a furnace that is reliably providing your home with consistent warm air during cold Kansas winters. Finding yourself needing a heating repair in freezing temperatures can often be avoided with ongoing maintenance tasks. Regular checks and heating maintenance tasks are the best way to prevent breakdowns and other problems.




Heating system maintenance is something all homeowners should know. Many steps to help keep your furnace working well are things most homeowners can do themselves.

The most important maintenance step: change your air filters on a regular schedule.

Changing your filters is necessary for your heating and cooling systems to operate and it also helps your indoor air quality. Some households need to change their air filter at least every month. But how frequently you need to change an air filter depends on a few things:

  • how many people who live in the home
  • pets, and how many
  • people suffering from allergies or have respiratory issues


pd plumbing heating cooling technicians wichita


Beyond changing air filters, it is also important to examine your furnace and various components for signs of problems. Parts that are dirty or loose should be addressed quickly to keep them from causing larger problems.

If you do not feel confident in your technical know-how to handle more advanced maintenance checks and tune-ups, call the heating professionals at PD Plumbing, Heating & Cooling. We can come out to handle any furnace issues that you feel uncertain about or to simply check for issues and safety problems.

Call PD Plumbing Heating & Cooling for prompt heating maintenance and system repairs at 316-871-5499.