Video Pipe Inspection

Sometime a plumbing issue is easy to spot - a leak from your faucet or a clogged drain. But sometimes a plumbing problem is hard to locate. How far deep into the pipe is a clog? Is there a break in a water supply line? When there is a mystery to solve in your pipes, a video pipe inspection may be needed.

PD Plumbing, Heating & Cooling provides professional video pipe inspections to Wichita and surrounding towns in Sedgwick and Butler counties. With our sewer video equipment, no exploratory holes or trenches need to be dug. We are able to run a camera through the line to locate the precise location of blockage or other damage.

For video pipe inspection, call PD Plumbing, Heating & Cooling at (316) 871-5499 or send us a message online to request service.